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Achieving ESG & Zero Emissions
Cleaning up Cold Chain...
Imagine having the only commercially viable zero emission TRU. Patent protected and setting a standard no one else can reach.'s SolarTechTRU is absolutely powering the top food distributors in the nation with its solar electric TRU. Advanced Energy Machines (AEM) deliberately chose the state of California as its beach head for proving out its ability to remove tens of thousands of tons of highly toxic black carbon from the air, every year, for 12 years.
It's real, it's safe, it's reliable and resilient, but it has not been the least bit easy.
Between limitations of components such as batteries, g-force of trucking, the essential nature of food delivery, legacy relationships, having to disrupt habits of the workforce...
AEM has been the underdog in the market because the company is up against big diesel. Diesel-powered TRUs have been dominating the food delivery / refrigerated trucking market for many decades. Behind the diesel goliath resides billions of dollars and multi-decade business relationships.
It takes a certain type of bulldog to unseat diesel, and these relationships, but the market is finally ready to start their carbon-reduction journeys. Many of the reefer fleets have started their journey by investing in electric (EV) trucks, when it's really the reefer trailer they should be staring with.
Meet Robert "Kelsh" Koelsch, AEM CEO and Co-Founder of
This feeds AEM's big saying "Go Green in the Black". Between the price points being a small fraction of the cost of EV Tractors, the incentives, outstanding leasing terms, ITC's and Solar Tax Credits, AEM has made the economics work as an easy "yes" from reefer fleet owners.
Additionally, the implementation of the SolarTechTRU into reefer fleets also completely eliminates high voltage AC electrocutions, and also completely eliminates the need for plugins, diesel expenses, and electricity expenses. Three of the biggest pain points of a food distributor, or any type of cold chain distribution business. AEM's low voltage DC SolarTechTRU (with 12 years of performance data behind it), its automatic/cordless charging technology, its low voltage DC microgrids, it's leasing terms that include added benefits over better monthly payments, all the CARB CORE vouchers and other incentives it approved for, it's coming hydrogen fuel cell, this checks all the boxes a reefer fleet or cold storage facility could ask for. It's time to convert to zero emission TRU, no excuses.
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