Converting Dirty Diesel TRUs to the Zero Emission SolarTechTRU Since 2012

Helping Food Distributors & Cold Storage Operators Go Green In the Black

R&D | Manufacturing | SupporT | Financing





Successfully Unseating Diesel-Powered TRUs.

Food distributors' biggest black carbon offender.

"AEM has the perfect PM2.5 offset that keeps on reducing, and that keeps giving back."

SolarTechTRU For Carbon Free Food Distribution

Purposely configured for easy installs, conversions, and upgrades.

This is a completely different phylum of TRU technology.

AEM's engineering innovators have achieved resilience, safety, and performance standards no one has been able to reach, since 2012.

ZE TRU Installs & Conversions

No plugins.

No electrocutions.

No power bills.

No range anxiety.

No operational disruptions.

No emissions fines or illnesses.

No black carbon soot or deadly PCM.

Achieves resilience & the numbers work!

Delivering for the nation's largest food distributors since 2012

Delivering for the

nation's largest

food distributors

since 2012

Many millions of miles & hours of successful deliveries

Tens of thousands of tons of carbon reduced, every year

The only safe low-voltage (46v) system

The only AI-based fast and mobile charging system

The only proven-viable solution in existence

Approved by CARB CORE as California's zero emission solution

Incentives and terms structured for immediate ROI

The industry's answer to resilience and off-grid operations

Low-Voltage DC Zero Emission SolarTechTRU

Real-time Telematics Reporting

AI-Based Automatic

Low Voltage Charging Pads

Low-Voltage DC Yard Solar Microgrids

American Engineered, American Made

American Engineered, American Made

About AEM's SolarTechTRU

AEM.GREEN is an innovative R&D and manufacturing organization that created the SolarTechTRU. It's the only full-electric TRU that achieves zero emissions, functions on low voltage DC (46V) power, requires very little maintenance.

Our systems qualify for ITCs and STCs as well.

AEM offers unique financing terms for BB and greater-rated customers.

Everyone wins!

Zero emissions and

cleaner air starts now.

We’re helping reefer truckers go the distance, low-voltage DC, CO2-free, maintenance-free!

Getting your goods there,

cleanly and safely.

The world’s only zero emission beast that goes the distance

Pretty, Clean, & Quiet

Yet a Reliable Bad@$$ TRU

Winning 28'-53' Reefer Fleets

SolarTechTRUfor Cold Chain Reefers

Now also offering a SolarTechTRU modified for refrigerated trucks!

See our comparisons page for specifications sheets on both models.

Unseating diesel-powered TRUs and other solar/electric powered TRUs with the proven and only surprisingly efficient, powerful, and proven-reliable, all-electric, solar-powered generator refrigeration system in the world.

It's so relieving to work with a company that truly appreciates the pain of downtime, and that knows how to rally our team so we're all working together with clarity to get our TRU conversions done, and to get our vouchers and credits.

Thank you Robert!

This has been one of our biggest initiatives in history, and thanks to the "seasoning" of AEM's engineering team, they've made this all seem so uncomplicated...and even a little fun...because they kept progress flowing, and we're seeing immediate payback of the SolarTechTRU, as promised.

It wasn't easy pulling the trigger and saying yes to converting our diesel TRUs to the SolarTechTRUs, but we sure are thrilled we've done this, and we'll continue doing this as we continue to grow. We're growing more profitably because of it too. I never expected to be able to 'go clean' and have it work out so well for us financially too!

Why should I feel completely safe, relieved, & thrilled to choose the SolarTechTRU for my 28’-53’ reefer trailer fleet?


Why you shouldn’t choose the SolarTechTRU for your 28’-53’ reefer fleets?

No reason whatsoever!

AEM has innovated an onboarding, fulfillment, and ongoing support process that takes administrative, oversight, and workload burdens off your plate, while also eliminating emissions, electrical, and other safety regulations.

On top of all this, has also engineered its SolarTechTRU to be so efficient it pays for itself in no time and can eliminate your reliance on the grid for the long haul.

Just when you thought AEM couldn't make things any better...

Proprietary Automatic Charging Pads, and Safe Microgrids!


AEM has been an ideal innovation partner. Since their system is proven-reliable, and runs on low voltage DC power, these two innovations make great sense to integrate into your carbon-reduction and ESG plan. PLUS, THEY PAY BACK VERY QUICKLY!

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Forging Your Zero Emissions Path Today!