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Achieving ESG & Zero Emissions
Cleaning up Cold Chain...
Over 12 years, and over 12 million miles of zero emission deliveries for food distributors in California, AEM has been setting safety and resilience standards others can't achieve.
The company has over 600 TRUs on the road, throughout California. Since AEM has been replacing diesel-powered TRUs, and each diesel TRU is known to emit 27 ton of toxic black carbon per year, AEM's customers can tout reducing deadly black carbon particulates by the several hundred tons.
Their SolarTechTRUs are being used by the largest food distributors in the nation.
AEM's SolarTechTRU is a particularly good choice for any food distributor or cold storage facilities for five major reasons:
AEM low voltage DC electric systems do not require plugins. No plugin oversights, and AEM's system has AI-based automatic, cordless charging. (reliably cools to -10, and cools 28-53' trailers multi-temp.)
No range anxiety because of the very low power draw of its technology, SolarTechTRUs go the distance without pulling any significant power from the tractor as well. (20 AMPs on grid)
The entire system is IoT, and offers very detailed, real-time data, alerts, and reporting.
AEM's proprietary and protected technology enables them to solve their customers' massive power infrastructure bottlenecks, and can take the cost of powering their TRUs to $0.
AEM says no to high voltage AC, and is passionately encouraging all food distributors and cold storage facilities to say no to high voltage AC refrigeration systems. High voltage AC electrocutes and kills even highly skilled master electricians every day. Arc flash electrocutions from simple plugin activity happens in the workplace, and kills people within one second.
Because AEM manufactures proprietary solar electric reefer systems and solar microgrids, they can offer unique incentives with their leasing terms. Their customers go green in the black.
Low voltage DC for TRUs and microgrids is breakthrough for in the industry, and very attractive for the green EV revolution in general. The costs and barriers to building out electrical infrastructure for facilities is much faster, because it doesn't require PG&E, and it's far less costly. Pus, it legitimately pulls a fraction of the power from the grid, if any is required.
One of AEM's co-founders, Dr. Ronald Koelsch, once summed it up in this fashion:
Could you imagine if the SolarTechTRU and our microgrids were invented back in the 1930's and 40's, and a diesel TRU salesman walked in and tried to sell all the food distributors a diesel TRU instead? I don't think that would fly at all. Now, let's imagine those diesel TRU manufacturers came back with a high voltage AC electric TRU to replace our low voltage DC SolarTechTRUs. All these food distributors would have to spend loads of money on upgrading their electrical systems to high voltage, they'd have to significantly increase their burden on the power grid and increase their consumption expenses, and they'd have to explain to their employees that they might die during plugin events, but that's okay.
Diesel has a solid foothold in the U.S. $11.5 billion TRU market, and these diesel players have made high voltage AC the foundation of their electric TRU counterparts. AEM is hoping that 2025 brings our ability to all work together, bringing and doing what's best for all in food distribution, and for the communities we serve.
About AEM:
AEM.GREEN is an innovative R&D and manufacturing organization that created the SolarTechTRU, which has earned its status as the only solar, full-electric TRU that achieves zero emissions, functions on low voltage DC power, requires no maintenance, no diesel fuel, helps reduce and remove its customers’ reliance on the grid, and that is reliably serving range demands of reefers through its proprietary and protected technology, including completely safe, ai-based automatic charging.
American engineered, American made.
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