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Achieving ESG & Zero Emissions
Cleaning up Cold Chain...
“It's fun to think that what others have invested hundreds of millions of dollars trying to create, the Koelsch brothers pulled off for twenty five million.” - Fans of Out-Of-The-Box Thinkers.
You'll notice when you're attending the ACTexpo and IFDA Show in 2025, no one has yet to reach the safety and resilience standards that Advanced Energy Machines (AEM.Green) has been able to achieve with its zero emissions SolarTechTRU, it's automatic charging pads, and its low voltage DC microgrids. Despite its proven viability in helping the largest food distributors in the country achieve zero emissions, all of AEM's technology is based on low voltage DC infrastructure.
Their zero emission TRUs pull next-to-nothing from the tractor, and their reefers have proven to last with ample power leftover after grueling summer temps and full days of hard-charging deliveries. AEM's SolarTechTRU has been referred to as a "Bad Ass Beast" of a ZE TRU that has set the standard for Food Distributors and Cold Storage Facilities.
This is a copy of the presentation that Robert Koelsch, the CEO of Advanced Energy Machines (AEM), has used to present on stage at food distribution conferences like ACTexpo and IFDA, every year.
Please keep in mind, the performance and carbon-reduction numbers keep growing, every month, every year. The SolarTechTRU is truly and measurably saving lives.
According to CARB studies. Since 3 tons of black carbon from diesel emissions kills one person a year, and one diesel-powered TRU emits 25,000 of black carbon a year. One diesel-powered TRU kills 9 people per year. One TRU feeds 750 people per year, so what do we do? Do we stop delivering food, or do we convert all the diesel-powered TRUs to the ZE SolarTechTRU?
Now food distributors and cold storage facilities can convert, and "go green in the black". 👊
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